Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student — ProPublica:
“ProPublica obtained the chat logs of Atomwaffen, a notorious white supremacist group. When Samuel Woodward was charged with killing 19-year-old Blaze Bernstein last month in California, other Atomwaffen members cheered the death, concerned only that the group’s cover might have been blown.”
The Singular Pursuit of Comrade Bezos – Member Feature Stories – Medium:
“In fact, to think of Amazon as a “market player” is a mischaracterization. The world’s biggest store doesn’t use suggested retail pricing; it sets its own. Book authors (to use a personal example) receive a distinctly lower royalty for Amazon sales because the site has the power to demand lower prices from publishers, who in turn pass on the tighter margins to writers. But for consumers, it works! Not only are books significantly cheaper on Amazon, the site also features a giant stock that can be shipped to you within two days, for free with Amazon Prime citizensh…er, membership. All 10 or so bookstores I frequented as a high school and college student have closed, yet our access to books has improved — at least as far as we seem to be able to measure. It’s hard to expect consumers to feel bad enough about that to change our behavior.”
Noch einige Missverständnisse zur Blockchain | Notizblog:
“Dezentralität bedeutet aber generell nicht, dass die Macht eines Systems in die Hände der vielen übergehen. Nein. Für den einzelnen ohne Macht hat Dezentralität viele Nachteile. Wer jemals einen Joint mit Bitcoins gekauft hat, kann sich mittlerweile ziemlich sicher sein, dass eine staatliche Stelle davon Bescheid weiß. Dezentralität verhindert schnelle Updates, und die Sicherheitslücken müssen die Nutzer als erstes ausbaden. Dezentralität gibt den Leuten viel Macht, die die Imperfektionen des Ist-Zustands ausnutzen und die große Mehrheit übervorteilen wollen.”